Data Protection Officer
Description: Competences include:
  • Perform the work of an authorized Data protection Officer in accordance with the law regulating personal data and the General Data Protection Regulation
  • Knew Country and EU regulations on the protection of personal data
  • Understood the concept and types of processing of personal data
  • Knew the basic principles and basics of inspection law
  • Knew the basic principles and basic of administrative law
  • Knew the basic principles of compensation law for interference with personal rights and the right to privacy and the protection of personal data
  • Able to assess the effects of processing personal data on privacy
  • Capable of representing the processor or manager of personal data collections in the inspection procedures of the control body.
Previous skills/knowledge:
  • Demonstrable knowledge of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Professional experience from information security
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Teaching requirements: Minimum two teachers; to be qualified for revision of information security (e.g., with auditor/trainer qualification); knowledge of local and EU regulations on the protection of personal data and practice in organizations.
Objectives to achieve: To get the necessary knowledge and skills to:
  • Explain the concept of the protection of personal data
  • Explain the difference between the protection of personal data and the protection of personal data collections
  • Identify the risk in individual types of processing of personal data
  • Explain the concept of contractual processing and write a contract of contractual processing with the personal data protection measures included, also knows the rules of the contractual relationship of sub-production
  • Explain the concept of cloud services and understand the risk associated with these services
  • Explain the concept to build-in privacy and use the concept in various ways of processing personal data
  • Take into account the basic principles for handling personal data, transfer them into practice and hand over to internal co-workers
  • Keep a record of the processing of personal data processing and identify different risk in the particular types/ processing modes
  • Identify processing cases that require an assessment of privacy impacts and create an impact assessment on privacy
  • To conduct procedures and to decide on the rights of individuals
  • To carry out procedures of internal control of the compliance of the processing of personal data with the law governing the protection of personal data and the General Data Protection Regulation.
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