Integrated MS Lead Auditor
Description: Competences include:
- To collect and analyze enough evidences (e.g. through interview, observation and sampling of documenta-tion) to determine the integrated audit findings and define the audit conclusions
- To document the integrated audit findings
- To interchange information with the rest of the members of the integrated audit team and with the audi-tee personnel
- To prepare of the integrated audit plan
- To represent of the integrated audit team before the customer
- To give instructions to the integrated audit team
- To inform of any relevant obstacle identify during the integrated audit process
- To be responsible of all the integrated audit steps
- To present the integrated audit report
- To follow up and close the audit process.
Previous skills/knowledge:
Demonstrable knowledge of the requirements of the involved standards: ISO 9001:2015, ISO14001:2015 and ISO45001:2018.
Authorized Partners:
Teaching requirements: Trainer must have experience as a first or second or third party auditor in the quality management system, in the environmental management sys-tem and in the occupational health and safety system and / or teaching experience of integrated systems min 1 yr
Objectives to achieve:
To get the necessary knowledge and skills to:
- The integration of management systems in the light of an audit process
- The integrated audit process, based on the guidelines established by ISO 19011, that allows the organization to make reliable decisions related to the continuous improvement of its integrated management system.