IQNet SR10 Lead Auditor
Description: Competences detailed in IQNet SR10 Internal auditor MTS 020, plus
- To participate in the selection of the audit team
- To prepare the audit plan
- To represent the audit team before the customer
- To give instructions to the audit team
- To inform any relevant obstacle identify during the audit process
- To be responsible of all the audit steps
- To present the audit report
- To follow up and close the audit process.
Previous skills/knowledge:
- To be qualified as a MS Auditor by an IQNet Ltd Representative
- Preferably qualified in at least two of the following certification schemes: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OSHAS 18001, SA8000, EFQM or other management systems related to environmental management, legal issues, operational health and safety and safety issues or social accountability
Authorized Partners:
Teaching requirements: - Trainer to be a qualified SR10 trainer by IQNet; - Course to be developed in classroom (option A) or as a combina-tion of classroom (minimum 8 hours) and self-studying (option B); - Case studies and extensive practical examples to be included.
Objectives to achieve:
- To provide the necessary knowledge on Social responsibility, and especially on, to be able to perform IQNet SR10 audits
To reach this main goal, other objectives include:
- To understand the concept and scale of Social Responsibility
- To know the main issues of Social Responsibility included in ISO 26000
- To identify the different models and tools available in the market to deploy SR principles
- To analyze the requirements of SR 10 standard as model for the implementation of a Social Responsibility Management Systems
- To evaluate the benefits derived from the implementation of the IQNet SR 10 standard
- To know the IQNet SR 10 certification scheme and how to perform certification audits (IQNet SR 10 Rulebook) .