ISO 9001 Quality Systems Manager
  • Abiltiy to understand the quality principles and quality management
  • Abiltiy to understand and apply the basic requirements of ISO 9001
  • Ability to develop the necessary documentation for the quality management system
  • Ability to identify processes, to create a process model, to monitor and control processes
  • Abiltiy to address risks and opportunities
  • Abillity to identify the competences of the staff involved in the quality management system
  • Abiltiy to coordinate and motivate the work team
  • Ability to analyse the information provided by the quality management system
  • Ability to apply basic management methods
  • Ability to plan and conduct an internal audit and identify activities for improvement
  • Ability to support the senior management in the system review.
Previous skills/knowledge: Basic knowledge of quality management systems.
Authorized Partners:

Teaching requirements: Trainer work-experience in the area of quality management system
Objectives to achieve: To get the necessary knowledge and skills to:
  • Be able to understand the ISO 9001basic standard requirements
  • Be able to implement a quality management system
Authorized Partners: