José Guillermo Takeo Nava's picture

José Guillermo Takeo Nava

Academy Courses Taken:


Quality EnGineer


-Management and follow up of 1sT, 2nd and 3rd audit. -Administration of Quality Software. -document and reGisters control. -training Develpoment regarding quality management system. -Assessment and eValuation of supPliers. -analysis, control and follow up noN conformities and compLaints. -actUalization of quality manuAl, documEnt control, reGisterS control, internal audit, corrective and preVentive actions, and continous improvement procedures. -Succesfully recertification of the quality managEment system. -Releasing of warranty documents and certIfications of seVeral products. -expAnding the Scope of the processes of the quality manaGement system, -documentaTion of processes of: technicaL AND COMMERCIAL SUPPORT, finance, projects development and order processing

Other Information:

Disclaimer: This website solely verifies the courses finished by the Professional throught IQNet Academy and its Training Providers. All other information which appears here were self-declared by the Professional.